High Street
T+T 002
The proposal seeks to re-activate a London High Street and re-use the left-over service spaces of the city.
Carved from an existing High Street office and yard, the project creates a new house with attached High Street
High Street is a flexible work environment consisting of three spaces. Layer 1 is the shop front - reconnected to
the High Street by a deep cut that allows the street to interface with the interior. The cut encourages pedestrians
to slow-down, engage and view into the interior space allowing a spatial dialogue between interior and street.
Layer 2 is a four metre high white volume, sunk beneath the external pavement level. Layer 3, located within the
central white volume is a sterling board box that contains the fixed programme including an elevated meeting
room. This organisation seeks a layering of space that can be experienced from the street. These layers are
animated by the juxtaposition of datums that encourage multiple views across space. The office is organised
1200mm below the street, whilst the mezzanine is raised 1500mm above street level creating a spatial exchange
between levels.
London, W12
Fluid Structures